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The Martin-Springer Center activities include seminars, conferences, and field study trips.


Click on the "read more" buttons bellow for more information about the different activities.



February 2020

Meeting of the Martin Springer Center for Conflict Studies in Jerusalem


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October 2019

International Conference on the Legacy of Prof. Dan Bar-On

ʻAn Enemy is Someone, Whose Story You Have not Heard Yetʼ. The Legacy of Prof. Dan Bar-On (1938-2008)

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January 2016

January 2016 – Salutogenesis Conference



January 2015

Conference: Bridging Theory and Practice of Creative Conflict Engagement, Bar Ilan University

Ben David, Y., Benheim, S., Sarid, A., Sternberg, M., & Sagy, S. (2015). Encountering the Suffering of the Other and its Relationship to Openness to the “Other Group”.


April 2013

To Think Salutogenically: Thirty Years of Theory, Research, and Practice

An international conference held in cooperation with researchers from around the world who conduct research with a salutogenic approach or framework.


November 2019

International Association for Intercultural Education Conference, Amsterdam

Aldinah, S., Benheim, S., Sternberg, M., & Ziv, T. (2019, November). Peace education in the context of intractable conflict: A salutogenic approach. Another Brick in the Wall: Rethinking Education International Association for International Education, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

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September 2018

10th IUHPE - Health Promotion in the Life Course Trondheim, Norway



September 2016

Transitional Justice Workshop - Contemporary theories and practices, Jerusalem



March 2014

The impact of the occupation on Israeli society, BGU


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October 2019

First International Conference for Environmental Peacebuilding, Irvine, CA

Poster Presentation: Benheim, S. (2019, October). Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli alumni of a multicultural program at the Arava Institute: A retrospective study. 1st International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding, University of California-Irvine, California, USA.


February 2016

The 7th Israeli interdisciplinary conference of qualitative research, 2016, Ben Gurion university, Beer Sheva, Israel

Paper presentation: “Exploring ourselves in violent times: An intra-group dialogue among Israeli-Jewish students following the Gaza War”  (Yael Ben David)

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May 2015

Conference: The Arab Peace Initiative (still) waits for Israel


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July 2014

Annual conference of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Rome, Italy

Panel presentation

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